Friday, April 26, 2013

[SlowCarb] Week 4!


Week 4 and doing pretty well! I’m not entirely sure how I should decide which way to really track my weight. The weekly, predictable fluctuation makes me wonder if I should pick the results from a certain day (say, Friday or Saturday) as my milestone or not.

Either way, from 220.*lbs down to 212.6lbs? That’s 7.4lbs lost in a few days short of a month. At nearly 2lbs a week, that’s a bit faster than I’m used to, but given I’m a fair bit overweight? It happens. I’m still enjoying the food, actually, and finding ways to eat out while keeping on it.

  • Carl’s Jr, Ruby’s, and Teddy’s Bigger Burger both have no-bun options. Instead of a bun, the burger is wrapped up in lettuce leaves. If you go to Whole Foods, they’ll wrap it up in a collard green.
  • Subway actually wrapped their breakfast sandwich up with the omelet. Its not an odd request, or so they told me! Be sure to load up on veggies while you’re at it. I got a foot-long because they have that special for “buy a 6” get a 6” free.”
  • Café O’Lei at The Dunes (a local restaurant at a golf course) allowed me to substitute the bun for a sandwich with an extra serving of vegetables.
  • Panda Express offers steamed vegetables instead of rice or chow mien, and Pearl’s BBQ (a wonderful local place) gave me extra veggies instead of rice. Asian food without rice is odd, but, hey.

So far, so good. I had to laugh with a friend that my fast-food options are easier to be compliant with than some of the vegetarian options I like. Why? Rule #1 – no white carbohydrates. Flour still gets used a lot in most any foods, especially for my beloved fried foods. Also, keeping dairy out of my diet except for cottage cheese has helped.

Of course, Rule #5, “Take One Day Off A Week,” helps out a lot. Sunday and Monday are the days after my cheat-day, but even those relative highs/spikes are going down. I’m quite pleased.

My BMI is currently 32.3. I need to get down to ~158lbs to get my BMI under 25. Now, I know BMI isn’t perfect, and doesn’t account for bone structure or muscle, but its still a usable metric. My doctor would love for me to get at that point, certainly. One step at a time!

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